Monthly Archives: November 2023

September & October 2023

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. (Romans 12:12-13).

Thank you our partners, co-workers and friends for serving with us to be the feet and hands of Jesus unto the people and communities of Uganda. Here are our activities for the months of September & October.


Prison ministry continues to happen in Mbarara city and Western Uganda. Each month we are allowed to minister to suspects and inmates. This month we visited the following prisons;


Found in heart of Mbarara city in Western Uganda. We have been ministering in the above facility since April this year. We visit this prison every Wednesday and meet the suspects and inmates including sexual offenders who are both convicted and on remand. We have sessions with them up to 3 months now with each month handling a different theme. This month’s theme was about CONFESSION. Many prisoners confessed their pain and prayed to God for forgiveness. (facility houses 273 prisoners)

I can quote three prisoners who confessed


Imprisoned for defilement. He’s serving an 18yr sentence. I quote his testimony “I used to work as a taxi driver and had a group of my fellow drivers who led me to having multiple affairs with different women. As time went on, I married a wife and we got 3 kids. Due to the social/ peer pressure I continued with the habit of sleeping around. On the fateful day, I picked a secondary school girl whom I later knew that she was 16yrs of age and took her to a Guesthouse. And was caught red-handed and imprisoned.


He is in fifties and was a farmer

“I lived a simple life in the village doing subsistence farming and I had no grudge with anyone. But as life brings different copies, I realized that someone wanted my land which was the source of my livelihood. When he failed to convince me to sell it to him, he connived with different people and I found myself being framed for defiling his 5yr old daughter. It was shocking but he had all the trust in the doctor who would test the victim. To my surprise, the doctor got a bribed and wrote a wrong report about him which became a sealing evidence for my imprisonment. I was planning that if I’m released, I will kill the doctor in the revenge of my imprisonment but I have forgiven him.”


Hes in late forties

“I have a great family and was raised with a religious a religious background. I later developed a drinking habit of drinking that I even abandoned my precious family. One day I went in the bar and drunk myself silly. In the morning, I found myself at the police station with people shouting kill him, kill him. I was later told that a raped a woman. The truth is that I don’t know anything at all. Thanks to God I’m now born again.”

With the above testimonies, we hope to rehabilitate many souls both in prison and outside. The prisoners in their own voice requested that we should help them have a safe landing in their life after prison life.


This is located in Kiruhura district along Masaka- Mbarara road. We have been ministering in the above prison since last year March. We preached to 72 prisoners, 53 of them gave their lives to Christ.


We have been able to visit this station each week of this month and many souls came to Christ.  We always preach to about 320 suspects and inmates.

Some of the prisoners on truck, cells and cleaning their compounds


Men’s ministry has also picked up in Mbarara city with a huge attendance. During the month of October, we have managed to organize 6 fellowships in 4 different churches. All those fellowships have been entirely facilitated by Christian model ministries. We look forward to extending the ministry to more churches and districts. Men gather and share life stories, wisdom and knowledge of how to develop themselves (spiritually, financially and any other aspects.)

During the Various men fellowships and sessions.


We visited Kahendero Landing site which is on Lake George and ministered to the fishermen and the church. That was done as follow up of the June mission. We were gladly welcomed. we preached the word of God (evangelism) and many people received Jesus Christ as their lord. We also started a Men’s fellowship in the church as well.

Richard Byamugisha preaching the word of God .during the Kasese outreach


  • The Old Testament class at the Discipleship Church -Mukono.
  • The New Testament class at God’s Center of Blessings Church Bweyogerere
  • Odyssey class at Kagoma – Maganjo

As we come near the end of 2023,we thank God for what he continues to do in the lives of our students and their church congregations through this bible course.

One of our interesting highlights of this year are some of our students (pastors) in our classes who are already using the inductive approach “to some extent” during their bible studies.

These have always testified that bible study within their churches has improved a lot. These pastors have encouraged their church congregations to consider reading bible books as a whole, as a start.

Then they look at some of the passages together but also considering the ” historical background” information of that particular book.

The pastors are saying that the C-TBS has simplified and strengthened their work within their congregations. We thank the Lord for that.

The Odyssey C-TBS class at Kagoma (Left). Dan Muwanguzi grading the students work (Right).

We are always thankful to the Lord for you all our friends and co-workers for your continuous prayers and support to us.

God bless.

CMM Team

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